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Galeria Pryzmat,

For phase two of the RADAR Project, the artists split up into groups and developed new work in a three-week residency in each other's country.  Moorland Productions went to Cracow and created a new series of digital portraits, "The Merchants of Cracow" and a film "Rynek" (Market) celebrating Poland's accession to the European Union, which were exhibited at the Galeria Pryzat in Cracow.

In the Jagelonian Library, Cracow there is a 17th-century illuminated Manuscript, the Balthasar Behem Codex, depicting the highly specialised trades and workplaces of Cracow. To celebrate Poland rejoining the European trading community, Moorland Productions produced a documentary film comprising interviews with Cracow shopkeepers about the new economic and social conditions. Cracow possesses the largest Market square in Europe and is famed for its specialised crafts and trades. The film digitally 'updates' Balthasar Behem's Codex for the 21st-century.

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